In this multi-series bar chart, we group bars together rather than stack them. A grouped chart allows accurate comparison of individual values thanks to an aligned baseline: a position, rather than length, judgment is used.
An ordinal scale positions the groups vertically; the bars are then replicated inside a panel, a technique that is also used for small multiples.
require 'rubyvis' n = 3 m = 4 data = pv.range(n).map { pv.range(m).map { rand() + 0.1; } } w = 400 h = 250 x = pv.Scale.linear(0, 1.1).range(0, w) y = pv.Scale.ordinal(pv.range(n)).split_banded(0, h, 4/5.0); #/* The root panel. */ vis = .width(w) .height(h) .bottom(20) .left(20) .right(10) .top(5); #/* The bars. */ colors=pv.Colors.category20() bar = vis.add(pv.Panel) .data(data) .top(lambda {y.scale(self.index)}) .height(y.range_band) .add(pv.Bar) .data(lambda {|d| d}) .top(lambda {self.index * y.range_band / m.to_f}) .height(y.range_band / m.to_f) .left(0) .width(x) .fillStyle(lambda { colors.scale(self.index)}) #/* The value label. */ bar.anchor("right").add(pv.Label) .textStyle("white") .text(lambda {|d| "%0.1f" % d}); #/* The variable label. */ bar.parent.anchor("left").add(pv.Label) .textAlign("right") .textMargin(5) .text(lambda {"ABCDEFGHIJK"[self.parent.index,1]}); #/* X-axis ticks. */ vis.add(pv.Rule) .data(x.ticks(5)) .left(x) .strokeStyle(lambda {|d| d!=0 ? "rgba(255,255,255,.3)" : "#000"}) .add(pv.Rule) .bottom(0) .height(5) .strokeStyle("#000") .anchor("bottom").add(pv.Label) .text(x.tick_format); vis.render(); puts vis.to_svg