Two level nested grid. The first is created at random with n rows and m columns The second level is a 9×9 grid inside the cell of first level
You can obtain the same result using a grid layout
require 'rubyvis' w = 600 h = 600 cs=pv.Colors.category20() rows=2.0+rand(3) cols=2.0+rand(3) row_h=h/rows col_w=w/cols cel_h=row_h/3.0 cel_w=col_w/3.0 letters=%w{a b c d e f g h i j k} vis = .width(w) .height(h); p1=vis.add(pv.Panel).data(letters[0,rows]). top(lambda {index*(row_h)}). height(row_h) p2=p1.add(pv.Panel).data(letters[0,cols]). width(col_w). left(lambda {index*(col_w)}) p2.anchor("center").add(pv.Label). text(lambda {|d,a,b| return "#{b}-#{a}"}). font("bold large Arial") p2.add(pv.Bar).data([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]). width(-3+cel_w). height(-3+cel_h). visible(lambda {|d| d!=5}). fillStyle(lambda {|d| cs.scale(d)}). top(lambda { (index / 3.0).floor*cel_h}). left(lambda { (index % 3)*cel_w}). anchor('center'). add(pv.Label). visible(lambda {|a,b,c| a!=5}). text(lambda {|a,b,c| "#{c}-#{b}-#{a}"}) vis.render(); puts vis.to_svg