This example show the 5 types of interpolation available for areas:
See also Line Interpolation
require 'rubyvis' data = Rubyvis.range(0, 10, 0.5).map {|x|{:x=> x, :y=> Math.sin(x) + 2+rand()*0.3}) } p_w=200 p_h=150 #p data w = 20+p_w*2 h = 20+p_h*3 x = Rubyvis.Scale.linear(data, lambda {|d| d.x}).range(0, p_w-30) y = Rubyvis.Scale.linear(data, lambda {|d| d.y}).range(0, p_h-20); interpolations=["linear","step-before","step-after", "basis", "cardinal"] vis = do |pan| pan.width w pan.height h pan.bottom 20 pan.left 20 pan.right 10 5 interpolations.each_with_index do |inter,i| n=i%2 m=(i/2).floor pan.panel do left(n*(p_w+10)) top(m*(p_h+10)) width p_w height p_h label(:anchor=>'top') do text(inter) end # uses 'a' as reference inside block # to use data method with data variable area do |a| data a.left {|d| x.scale(d.x)} a.height {|d| y.scale(d.y)} a.bottom 1 a.interpolate inter end end end end vis.render(); puts vis.to_svg